Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The strategy for getting the best view at daycare

Its been chilly here in New Jersey. The room at doggy daycare is heated, but not very much. They also keep the doors open most of the time to let the dogs get outside whenever they need to do their business. As a result, I have put Mickey in his red sweatshirt so he can stay cozy. It is quickly getting filthy and covered in other dog's hair, but at least he's staying warm.

I logged onto the webcam this evening to check on how he was getting along. It seems he's moved away from the walls!

Hey! down in front! Doesn't this always happen?
You get to the parade route early and stake your claim ...
and all the late comers arrive last minute and just set up in front of you.

Whatever, I'm avoiding that scene, maybe something exciting will happen over here at this end of the room...

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