Thursday, June 11, 2009

Going to the Birds

On our walk Wednesday morning we must have gotten too close to a nest on the bike path at the back of the neighborhood. A bird dive bombed Mickey several times, coming so close I think he touched him once or twice! Mickey cowered in fear, confused as to what this thing was and why it was doing this.

I think I know why, and its not just because we were in the bird's territory.

Word has spread that Mickey loves to eat dead baby birds. He has found three so far and eaten one of them. I wised up and pulled the other two out of his mouth before they could be digested. ewww.

So if you see Mickey rolling around in the grass seemingly celebrating the joy of being a puppy in summertime... 9 times out of 10 he's found another dead baby bird and wants to roll in his food before eating it.

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