Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rainy Day

It has been raining almost all day long. We had a little break in the afternoon, and luckily I took advantage of it to get Mickey on our walk route once.

Like every other non-duck animal, Mickey does not like wet or cold weather. Put them together and he looks downright miserable. The courtyard is swampy, so it takes a gentle but firm pull on his leash to get him in there. Then he looks up at me as if to say, "Why are my paws soooo wet?"

In times like these I'm glad I've been using the command "Go Potty" every single time he pees. It snaps him back to the 'task' at hand and he quickly will get into position, finish up, and make a beeline back up the stairs to where it is dry.

I am very grateful for the fact that this is rain and not snow. I also know that a high of 50degrees is not 'freezing' but it sure can feel like it! I know that rain is a part of spring, but can we get to the warm and sunny part already?

I ask for Mickey's sake, not my own.

Luckily the forecast for tomorrow calls for sun and a high of 63 degrees. That's what I'm talking about!

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